【在留資格:特定技能 / Specified Skilled Worker】
特定技能1号 Specified Skilled Worker (i)
特定産業分野 (14分野) The Specified Industrial Fields (14 Fields):
1. 介護
Nursing care
2. ビルクリーニング
Building cleaning
3. 素形材産業
Material Processing industry
4. 産業機械製造業
Industrial machinery manufacturing industry
5. 電気・電子情報関連産業
Electric and electronic information related industry
6. 建設
7. 造船・舶用工業
Shipbuilding and ship-related industry
8. 自動車整備
Automobile maintenance
9. 航空
10. 宿泊
11. 農業
12. 漁業
13. 飲食料品製造業
Food and beverages manufacturing industry
14. 外食業
Food service industry
*Specified Skilled Worker (i) can be accepted in all 14 industries.
Specified Skilled Worker (ii) can be accepted only in the two underlined industries
(Construction, and Shipbuilding and ship-related industry).
特定技能2号 Specified Skilled Worker (ii)
特定産業分野 (2分野) The Specified Industrial Fields (2 Fields):
1. 建設
2. 造船・舶用工業
Shipbuilding and ship-related industry
○Period of stay : Up to five years in total with renewals every one year, six months, or four months.
○Skill level : Confirmation by an exam, etc. Those who have completed technical intern training (ii) are exempt from the exam.
○Level of Japanese language proficiency :
Japanese language skills necessary for day-to-day activities and work, confirmed by an exam, etc.
Those who have completed technical intern training (ii) are exempt from the exam.
○Accompaniment by of family members : In principle, not permitted.
Support by accepting organization or registered support organization -> Eligible
○Period of stay : Renewals every three years, one year, or six months.
○Skill level : Confirmation by an exam.
○日本語能力水準: 試験等での確認は不要です
○Level of Japanese language proficiency : not required.
○家族の帯同:要件を満たせば可能です (配偶者・子)
○Accompaniment by of family members : Permitted if conditions are satisfied (spouse and children)
Support by accepting organization or registered support organization -> Not eligible
[特定技能 産業分野ごとの問い合わせ先]
受入れ機関について / Accepting Organization
受入れ機関 = (特定技能所属機関)
A. 特定技能雇用契約が適切であること
B. 受入れ機関自体が適切であること(5年以内に出入国・労働法令違反がない、など)
C. 外国人を支援する体制があること(外国人が理解できる言語で支援できる、など)
D. 外国人を支援する計画が適切であること
1. 外国人と結んだ雇用契約を確実に履行すること(報酬を適切に支払うなど)
2. 外国人への支援を適切に実施すること
→ 支援を登録支援機関に委託することもできます。
3. 出入国在留管理庁への各種届出を行うこと
Criterias for accepting organizations to accept foreign workers
A. The specified skilled employment agreement is being properly executed with the foreign nationals
(Remuneration must be equivalent to or greater than the one a Japanese worker would receive).
B. The accepting organization is appropriate (No violations of immigration or labor-related laws and regulations within the past 5 years).
C. There is a system to support foreign nationals (Support is provided in a language that the foreign nationals are able to understand).
D. The support plan which is prepared for foreign nationals is appropriate.
Duties of Accepting Organizations (Organization of affiliation of the specified skilled worker)
(1) Employment contracts with foreign nationals are ensured to be fulfilled (e.g., remuneration is properly paid)
(2) Proper support is provided to foreign nationals
→ Support may be outsourced to a registered support organization.
(3) Various notifications are filed with the Agency for Immigration and Residency.
Note:If above are not satisfied, it will not be possible to accept foreign workers anymore and the accepting organization may be subject to directions or improvement orders from the Agency for Immigration and Residency.
登録支援機関について / Registered Support Organization
A. 当該支援機関自体が適切であること(5年以内に出入国・労働法令違反がない、など)
B. 外国人を支援する体制があること(外国人が理解できる言語で支援できる、など)
What is a Registered Support Organization?
Organizations that undergo registration are registered in the registered support organization register and are listed on the Agency for Immigration and Residency website.
Anyone that provides all the detailed supports designated later, according to the support plan for specified skilled workers (i), pursuant to a support outsourcing agreement with an accepting organization, can receive the registration as Registered Support Organization from the Commissioner of the Agency for Immigration and Residency.
●The registration period is five years, and more if renewed.
●A Registered Support Organization must file various notifications with the Commissioner of the Agency for Immigration and Residency periodically and at any necessary time.
Criterias for Registration
(1) The support organization is appropriate (No violations of immigration related laws and regulations within the past five years)
(2) A system that provides support for the foreign nationals is placed sufficiently. (Support is provided in a language understood by the foreign nationals)
国際交流基金日本語基礎テスト [JFT-Basic] についてはこちら!
- 税金等の納付状況
- 直近1年分の住民税の「課税証明書」及び「納税証明書」(申請人のもの)
- 給与所得の源泉徴収票
- 税務署発行の納税証明書(その3)
税目:源泉所得税及び復興特別所得税、申 告所得税及び復興特別所得税、消費税及び 地方消費税、相続税、贈与税
- 国民健康保険被保険者証の写し
- 国民健康保険料(税)納付証明書
(ただし、国民年金保険料の納付から被保険者記録照会(納付 Ⅱ)への納付記録の反映までに時間を要することから、反映前に提出する場合は、被保険者記録照会(納 付Ⅱ)に加え、該当する月の国民年金保険料領収証書の写しも提出)
- 国民年金保険料領収証書の写し(在留資格変更許可申請の日の属する月の前々月までの24 か月分全て)
- 被保険者記録照会(納付Ⅱ)(被保険者記録照会回答票を含む)
- 申請時に、納税・納付を行っていないことが判明した場合には、地方出入国在留管理局において、納税・納付に係る指導・助言を行うこととなります。
- 1号特定技能外国人の扶養を受ける家族として、「家族滞在」で在留することはできません。