



出生証明書や独身証明書等の取得方法に関するご質問のお電話が多いため、以下に参考情報としてPSAのWebsite URLなどの情報を掲載しております。PSAへの申請手続きはご自身で行ってください。




Philippine Statistics Authority の略で、フィリピンの国家統計局のことです。

以前はNSO (National Statistics Office) という機関が、フィリピン国民の「出生・婚姻・死亡」に関する記録を取り扱っていましたが、現在はPSAに統合されています。




・お急ぎの場合: DHL Express for the delivery of your PSA certificate

(special courier services through DHL Express, delivery charges shall be to the requester’s/document owner’s account and shall be billed separately and directly by DHL Express.)




If you need the following certificates, you can request these documents online from the PSA (NSO), for delivery anywhere in the Philippines or abroad.


・「出生証明書」Birth certificate

・「結婚証明書」Marriage certificate

・「死亡証明書」Death certificate

・「無結婚証明書」CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record)



Metro Manila Birth/marriage/death certificates: 4-6 working days after payment

CENOMAR: 4-6 working days after payment

*Additional 5 to 7 days for areas that are outside of courier’s standard serviceable areas

Other Provinces Birth/marriage/death certificates: 6-8 working days after payment

CENOMAR: 6-8 working days after payment

*Additional 5 to 7 days for areas that are outside of courier’s standard serviceable areas

Other Countries The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) has resumed accepting international mails to selected countries only. As an option, you can avail of special courier services through DHL Express for delivery addresses outside the Philippines:



PSA Serbilis Special Courier Service.pdf

For special courier services through DHL Express, delivery charges shall be to the requester’s/document owner’s account and shall be billed separately and directly by DHL Express.




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